Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 05-29-2012

Last night’s Raw was nothing special. I liked how it was from New Orleans a place I will be going to this summer which is exciting. In all honestly this Raw was all about the Big Show. WWE is trying to make him in a short time be the number one heel. Can Big Show pull it off?

I have to say I find it really interesting that the Big Show is in the role he is in right now. In 18 years in the business he has seen a lot but in all honesty WWE hasn’t shown much faith in him. Now all the sudden he is in the main storyline. Big Show has lost to every major person in the business, and Floyd Mayweather who isn’t in the business. It is tough to wrap my brain around the fact that he is a monster heel again like its 1995 WCW. Listen WWE you hurt his character long ago don’t forget that. With that being said I like this heel turn for Big Show, but if it was stock I wouldn’t invest in it.


What I Think

·         I think The Big Show is pissed at everyone. In the storyline he expected the likes of John Cena and Brodus Clay to help him out when he was fired.

·         I think I like Big Show as an unstoppable giant he needs to be a badass.

·         I think Big Show should have beaten up a fan last night. It just would have put an exclamation point on his heel promo.

·         I think Big Show did a great job in the opening segment.

·         I think Del Rio vs. Santino was a waste of time and did nothing for either wrestler.

·         I think Riley got screwed in the writing department. He is a jobber.

·         I think Kofi/Truth vs. Swagger/Ziggler makes for a great match.

·         I think Vicki is the best heel manager in the business.

·         I think Ziggler backing it up only leads to being in the tag division and that isn’t right.

·         I think I would love to see a ladder match with Ziggler/Swagger vs. Truth/Kofi

·         I think Ziggler and Swagger will split soon.

·         I think I like Brodus Clay calling out Big Show for a match.

·         I think I don’t get how CM Punk had his huge poster ready for after Johnny showed his. The show is supposed to be showed as real. Things like this don’t help.

·         I think I like Big Show and John Cena in a steel cage. In their 1000th match have them face in a steel cage?

·         I think my girlfriend hates Johnny.

·         I think I’m glad the WWE Championship has been with CM Punk since November.

·         I think I hate that WWE showed WWE 13 trending. We knew the whole segment was a commercial. You didn’t have to rub it in.

·         I think I saw the video game saying WWE Attitude.

·         I think Punk vs. Bryan will be feud of the year.

·         I think fans love Punk and Bryan.

·         I think AJ is setting up CM Punk.

·         I think I like seeing the turnbuckle exposed. You don’t see matches ending like that anymore.

·         I think crowds are conflicted on Daniel Bryan.

·         I think I like signs that say Regal or Riot.

·         I think I like The Miz , Cody Rhodes, and Christian. I own a tee-shirt from each of these guys.

·         I think I’m tired of The Miz Burial.

·         I think I realized that The Miz beat Orton back in 2010 for the WWE Championship.

·         I think that I hate how WWE compares themselves to regular TV shows. That is just not fair.

·         I think Ziggler wants out of his tag team.

·         I think I need to buy WrestleMania 27 to remind myself that The Miz was WWE Champion.

·         I think WWE feels that John Cena is the greatest man that ever lived.

·         I think Utunga vs. Sheamus was a waste of time.

·         I think it’s time to stop talking about ECW. I say that with a tear in my eye.

·         I think Brodus Clay should be happy he was in the main event tonight.

·         I think I loved the Big Show spear.

·         I think Big Show made Kofi, Truth, and Clay look like a joke.

·         I think WWE pushed an old guy over young guys.

·         I think Big Show is a monster heel now.

 Wrestler Of The Night: Big Show. I mean the show was all about him.

Wrestler Who Had a Rough Night: The Miz. The loss to Christian and the the RKO from Randy Orton prove it. WWE is proving they can give a push and then take it away. I have to admit we here at Recreate Wrestling are big fans of The Miz.

Recreate Wrestling is paying Tribute to Andrew “Test” Martin this week. Tweet and send on Facebook your thoughts and memories on him.

Dan Venus

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day Recreate Wrestling would like to thank those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and have given their lives to protect our freedom. Never ever forget why we are allowed freedom.

To celebrate Memorial Day we will look at

The Foreign Fanatics (Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, Quebecer Jacques, Crush) vs. The All Americans (Lex Luger, The Undertake, Steiner Brothers)

The match was a follow up to the ongoing feud between “Made in The USA” Lex Luger and Yokozuna. This match took place at Survivor Series 1993 in the Boston Garden. It had one of the best build ups to a traditional Survivor Series Matches. Throughout the feud fans witnessed Tatanka’s undefeated streak end at the hands of Ludvig Borga. Tatanka then kayfabe was taken out of the match and replaced by the Undertaker. Lex Luger took out Quebecer Pierre from the match and he was replaced with Crush who had recently become a heel. The big payoff was Luger was the lone survivor of the match.

This feud made me believe at the time Borga was going to be a main event heel and was there to stay. This never ended up happening. His career burnt out not long after. I also believed it would lead to Lex Luger becoming the WWF Champion this didn’t happen as well. Tatanka’s career wasn’t helped much from this angle as well. He was turned heel at SummerSlam 1994 and never picked up the momentum he had during his undefeated streak. However it did lead to The Undertaker and Yokozuna having a great match at the Royal Rumble.
Heres the match enjoy. Happy Memorial Day! -Dan Venus

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 05-22-12

Last night’s Raw took place from Richmond Virginia. This Raw again wasn’t as great as what we saw in March and April. Brock Lesnar helped stop the WrestleMania lull but in the last two weeks we have seen that it is back.

Laurinaitis, Big Show, and John Cena Not Very Entertaining

In the opening segment John Cena came to the ring to discuss his very disappointing loss to Raw/Smackdown GM John Laurinaitis. In all honesty John Cena looked like a guy who just can’t act. The highlight of him talking was he brought up the anonymous GM that WWE never let us know who it was. Other than that his promo sucked. Laurinaitis came out in a scooter which I guess was interesting and then he told us it is Cena vs. Big Show at No Way Out. Should be great to see these two feud for the 100th time. Yes, that is not the exact number. The only thing I can say is Big Show is a much better heel than face.

This Raw didn’t have a lot of major things to talk about so I’m going to get right into what I think.

I Think

·         I think WWE needs to plan better on what they say on air. Johnny Laurinaitis claimed he hired Big Show on Saturday. This would make Big Show a WWE employee when he interfered in the match. This would mean he would have to be fired. Luckily Cole and Lawler caught it and explained Show only had a verbal agreement and was actually hired after.

·         I think Big Show is better as a heel. If we are to take him seriously he needs to beat Cena.


·         Otunga is looking like a jobber. When was the last time this guy won a match?


·         I like that Hawkins, Young, O’Niel, and Reks got on Raw.


·         I think Young should have never been thrown out of Nexus.

·         I think Sheamus has a great new tee-shirt.

·         I think I like the Santino Ricardo comedy segment. It was very entertaining but doesn’t look like it will go anywhere.

·         I think I hate when Raw compares itself to other TV shows when talking about records. WWE we aren’t talking about the same thing here.


·         A three hours Raw will never work that is way too long. Didn’t work for Nitro.


·         I think I hate what WWE did to Ryder and Miz. Remember at Survivor Series when fans chanted at The Rock WE WANT RYDER!!!!


·         I head Cole say Randy Orton is the Franchise player on Smackdown. He is more like The Franchise of WWE.

·         I think Jericho’s return has been terrible and it continues to suck. The attack on Orton made no sense.


·         I think Jericho should just be a bitter character who never wins at this point.


·         I think Daniel Bryan is a star. The people love this guy even if he is a heel.

·         I think I don’t get how CM Punk was able to make a match for Daniel Bryan with Kane. That does not make sense.

·         I think AJ is trying to trick CM Punk

·         I think it’s great Christian is the new IC Champion.

·         I think WWE is wasting Jindar Mahaul. He could be a great heel but they won’t let him run with it.

·         The two guys Christian beat back to back nights were in middle school while Christian was in the Brood.

·         I think Beth Phoenix is the best woman wrestler in the world.


·         I think I love Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler as a tag team.


·         I think Tensai and Sheamus would make a great mega feud.

·         Darren Young was in the Nexus and that is forgotten.

·         I think I loved the face vs. heel battle at the end.

Wrestler Of The Night: Big Show. I hate what is going on here but not he has a high profile match. He didn’t have that before Raw.


Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Ricardo Rodriguez. Santino made him look silly.

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This week Recreate Wrestling pays tribute to Road Warrior Hawk

Dan Venus