Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 05-08-2012

Raw last night seemed to be lackluster following an incredible show the week before. However there were some good moments. Who would have thought we would ever see Paul Heyman on WWE TV again? What I found the most disappointing was the crowd in Greensboro, North Carolina. As a historic wrestling city they just didn’t seem that into it.

John Laurianitis Continues to Entertain

The opening segment was very interesting as Johnny went on to speak about his time in Japan, even claiming he was the Hulk Hogan of Japan. He explained why his voice was the way it is because of an injury he suffered in Japan at the hands of Dr. Death Steve Williams. Williams was a wrestling legend but not for any of his work in WWE. The segment then changed to CM Punk coming to the ring to run down Laurianitis. I have to admit I’m tired of CM Punk as a face. I think this run has lost a lot of steam, we have seen him verbally attack Laurianitis so many times and it’s old.

Big Show Always Made To Look Like A Fool

After Cody Rhodes intentionally got himself counted out defending his title against Big Show executive administrator Eve makes her way to the ring. When she arrives she makes Big Show apologize for making fun of Laurianitis’s voice. What was annoying here is she ran down the Big Show making it clear he would have no career doing anything after wrestling. The sad thing here is this happens to a lot of retired wrestlers. Once their career is done there’s not whole lot out there for them. Could this possibly happen to Big Show one day? What I have come to realize is WWE loves making Big Show look terrible. How long was the World Heavy Weight Title reign again? Was it less than five minutes?

Tag Team Division Seems To Be Taking Shape

Lets make it clear here Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, and R-Truth all deserve more than WWE’s lame excuse for a tag team division. But this seems like a feud going forward. It looks like Primo and Epico will still have a role here as well. I have to ask does anyone care about these two? Or AW? Or Mason Ryan? Has WWE ever given us a reason to?

Fatal Four Way Match Coming Your Way At Over The Limit

Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus and Randy Orton was a great match last night. Finally Jericho has pinned someone in the middle of the ring that actually matters. Sheamus may have accidently kicked Orton for him to do so but still. Anyways all these men ended up in a fight in the backstage and now we got a four way match.

WWE Needs To Tone It Down On The Pay Per Views

Plain and simple there are just way too many pay per views. Can they really expect anyone to order Over The Limit? Extreme Rules was just last week. These events are not cheap they can’t expect the average fan to order this so soon. Honestly it is shaping up to be  another lackluster show. I would love to know exactly how much of a profit they make on this event.

Paul Heyman Arrives On Monday Night

It looks like on twitter CM Punk had spilled the beans prior to Heyman coming out, regardless it was shocking. What was really disappointing for me was the fans in Greensboro. Yes I heard some ECW chants but not much. The fans should have been going nuts we haven’t seen him on WWE since December to Dismember back in 2006. Those fans sucked. I love where they are heading with Brock Lesnar and the fact he quit in a written statement. Again knowing wrestling is staged we know Brock could never write something that good.

What I Think I didn’t Like

1.       I feel like everyone on the show uses the word ass too much. I think I heard it three or four times. Doesn’t really bring much to a promo in my opinion.

2.       If you want fans to care about the Divas their matches can’t just be a minute. Please just put the title back on Beth Phoenix and move on.

3.       Brodus Clay getting a win over The Miz. I’m starting to wonder if Miz is going to the way of John Morrison. (Marine 3 might save him.) Last night proved how limited Clay really is; The Miz carried and dominated the match. Yet all the sudden Clay has a Hogan like come back. Just horrible wrestling. Miz was WWE champion for six months right? Looks like creative forgot that.

4.       No Zack Ryder.

5.       Changing the main event right before it starts. I’m always glad to see Daniel Bryan on TV but we were lead to believe we were getting CM Punk vs. Lord Tensai.

6.       Greensboro Crowd. They just were not into it.

Random Thoughts:

·         I think Kofi Kingston would make a great TNA guy. Honestly I have really thought about it this is as good as it will get for him with WWE.

·         R-Truth should have stayed a heel.

·         I’m glad John Cena cleared up why the Board of Directors didn’t punish Laurianitis.

·         Alberto Del Rio yelled out destiny, but didn’t he already reach his destiny in 2011 when he won the WWE Championship?

Wrestler Of The Night: Chris Jericho. He needed to actually pin someone and he finally did.


Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Big Show. Again WWE Creative makes him look dumb.

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Also this week we are paying tribute to Owen Hart send us your thoughts to either our Twitter or Facebook.

Dan Venus

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