Thursday, June 14, 2012

Recreate Wrestling Comes to Smackdown

Living in New Hampshire you get a few opportunities per year to take in a live WWE show. This year Smackdown came to Verizon Wireless Arena in Machester, NH. This is a quick fifteen minute drive for us at Recreate Wrestling. Let me tell you we had a blast.


The night started off well. When each of us got out of work we headed to Manchester . When we arrived  we stopped in Jillian’s, near where we parked, to grab a quick beer before the show. While we were there I had to use the restroom. What you have to love about wrestling fans is we just don’t care. As I stood at the urinal the gentleman next to me just starts talking about the show. We talked about how the crowds have been in Manchester over the years. What I found was we both attended Backlash 05 a pay per view where Hulk Hogan wrestled in a tag team with Shawn Michaels. The crowd that night was absolutely on fire and we both agreed. The conversation quickly changed when I noticed the shirt he was wearing. Now, me, I had the Daniel Bryan YES! YES! YES! Shirt my girlfriend had ordered me weeks ago. The man was wearing a Z-Man shirt. Yes Z-Man Tom Zenk a guy who had a pretty serious WCW run before the promotion really exploded in the 90s.  I had to say how cool it was to see that shirt. You don’t get more random than that. To be honest I believe my brother even had a Z-Man action figure.

When we got into the arena I have to say it just feels like home being around wrestling. After a quick argument with other fans about which seat was belonged to who, NXT started. A guy next to us had dropped a few f bombs and a dad in front of us asked him to stop because he had his son with him. The man apologized for using such foul kind of language. As a wrestling fan for twenty plus years it’s so easy to see how much the product has truly changed. In the 90s vulgar language was just expected. In the PG era fans just shouldn’t be swearing in the audience with children around. I do remember a moment at a house show in 2007 where I believe the match was between Matt Hardy and MVP. There was a man in the audience extremely intoxicated swearing and yelling. We were far enough away where the wrestlers would never hear it. Either way the man was taking shots at Matt Hardy. I didn’t really care too much but a father with his 9 year old son wasn’t too pleased and asked the man to stop. Well being drunk the man didn’t. The next time he swore the 9 year old stood up and told the man he was going to kick his ass. Talk about a shocking moment! We all actually applauded the kid. But again look how the product has changed.


The show as a whole was a pretty average Smackdown episode ; nothing too crazy. I have to admit it would be nice to get some of the chants we had going. Here’s a few examples:

During a match with Michael Mcgillicutty   we started to chant: “ Joe Henning.”  Too many of the younger audience have no clue what we were talking about. In all honesty would WWE please to let him wrestle under that name?

When Damien Sandow was in the ring we started chanting “Rick Martel. “ I mean seriously Sandow pink?


When Cena came out we started chanting “Rocky SUX! “

Also, Cena’s dad was in the audience. Now a little side story:  my buddy got married back in September and the justice of the peace was the older John Cena. I have to say… what a great guy. Extremely nice; even brought a replica title for everyone to take picture with. Our section and another desperately tried to get “CENA’S DAD” chant, just couldn’t get it going. I feel like chants as a whole in wrestling just aren’t as good anymore. I remember going to an ECW event in 2000 and you could get any kind of chant going. It stinks those days have come and gone.

When we were exiting the show I had a chance to see a bunch of wacky wrestling shirts. There was a fan with “I love the Warrior” shirt as well as a Barry Horowitz tee shirt. The best thing about going to a wrestling show is the other fans. We live in a world where your average wrestling fan is blackballed by everyone else because they just don’t get it. They don’t understand what makes us love this form of entertainment so much. When a wrestling fan meets another there is the automatic bond that can’t be broken. Where can we see a guy wearing a Barry Horowitz shirt and someone actually know what he is referring to.


Dan Venus

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