Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 7-10-12

Raw took place last night from Denver Colorado and we saw the return on the Anonymous Raw General Manager. I have to be honest most of today’s Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover will come off a little bit negative because that was a horrible Raw heading into Money In The Bank.

I Think

I think the opening segment of the show featuring AJ, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan was hard to watch. The whole love triangle storyline has become stale and lame. I think if anything AJ is starting to hurt the Bryan Punk feud. All the sudden there is marriage talk and the crowd is chanting AJ is pregnant. I thought I was watching Jerry Springer and not Monday Night Raw. I mean WWE has done angles like this before but I can honestly say I have never been a fan of them with the exception of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon back in 1999-2000. If this is the monster storyline WWE creative came up with fire them all.

I think I was at first happy there would be conclusion finally to who was the Anonymous Raw General Manager but I would be so disappointed as the show went on.

I think it is time WWE cuts Jack Swagger loose. He like a lot of wrestlers last night didn’t even receive an entrance on TV and then he was destroyed but Sheamus in like a minute. I think Swagger actually has wrestling ability but WWE doesn’t know what to do with him. I have a feeling he could thrive in TNA.

I think there was a lack of wrestling going happening on last night’s show.

I think I’m actually excited to see The Rock at the 1000th episode of Raw. Would it be cool if he threw down a challenge for a match for the WWE championship?

I think the second actual match of the night was too short. Tensai and Ziggler defeated Christian and Tyson Kidd. None of these men received a televised ring entrance and Tensai pinned Christian within the first minute and a half of the match. What I did notice is the Ziggler/Guerrero split is becoming more obvious. Vickie seemed to like the beat down Tensai gave to Tyson Kidd after the match.

I think I want to see Damien Sandow on Raw as well as Smackdown. He might be the most interesting character in the company right now.

I think I had zero interest in seeing Lawler vs. Cole. I also believe the voting system on WWE.Com is rigged.

I think Brodus Clay vs. Drew McIntyre was a waste of time. This was yet another quick match with McIntyre not even receiving a ring entrance. To be honest I forgot he even existed. The only cool thing was when Drew jumped off the ropes and Clay gave him a head butt to the chest.  

I think I’m disappointed that Money In The Bank won’t be close to be as good as last year’s show.

I think John Cena’s promo about the WWE Championship Money In The Bank contract was long and lame. I think the tag match with Jericho/Bg Show vs. John Cena/Kane went on too long. Also didn’t Kane try to get Cena to Embrace The Hate not too long ago?

I think Big Show’s heel turn has failed. They say he unstoppable but Cena has already beat him. It is a one sided rivalry where Cena always wins.

I think I don’t know why the tag match ended. I think it was DQ because show pulled Cena of Jericho. Usually in a tag match that is not a DQ. What was going on there?

I think Eve is a wrestler again? She got lost in the mix.

I think CM Punk has been overshadowed by Cena, The  Rock, and Brock Lesnar. I wouldn’t say Big Show and Triple H though. Surprised WWE let Eve say this.

I think I wish Heath Slater beat Sin Cara to get in the Money In The Bank match. I like Heath Slater a lot now.

I think it was get to see Bob Backland again. This guy should be in the Hall of Fame already.  The Cross Face Chicken Wing is one of the best moves ever.

I think Cole vs. Lawler was the worst match the two have had. What do you know but Horns woggle was the Anonymous Raw General Manger. Thanks for that WWE. Are you freaking kidding me? After all that you give us Hornswoggle? Just like when he was Vince’s son? What a huge disappointment, as usual.

I think I really hate AJ’s music that might be the most annoying theme music next to Eugene’s in WWE history.

I hope after Sunday the AJ, Punk, and Bryan storyline come to an end. Or at least AJ is removed from it,  again another terrible way to end Raw.  She slaps both wrestlers then smiles ok neat.

Wrestler Of The Night: I don’t think anyone had a really good night at all. I’m going to go with Tensai however. He got a pin fall victory and seems like he may have a new manager soon.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: The WWE Universe. Thanks for another long term storyline that end with Horns woggle. The fans are the ones who suffer.

This week Recreate Wrestling is paying tribute to the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith.

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Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling

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