Monday, August 13, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 8/14/2012

This weeks blog will be a little bit different. In a word, better. DV is overseas on a wellness mission, so I, the AGM will take over. (if you dont know these acronyms go back and read some old blogs)

Raw once again proved to be 1 hour too long. They have an opportunity to showcase younger talent with the extra time, yet instead they filled the time with useless promos and divas matches.

Raw kicked off with Cm Punk v. The Big Show. We all knew there would be no decisive winner, but Daniel Bryan's involvement surprised me a little. Bryan has lost steam because of a lame fued with AJ. He went from number 2 in the business to around number 7. and where was Kane? You are trying to push a paperview but only 3 matches were showcased. Bryan's current storyline is supposed to be centered around himself and AJ Lee and I get that but the match is with Kane and that's what you needed to sell on the last Raw before Summerslam. side note. the only thing worse than aj's acting is her theme music. I didnt agree with Bryan's involvment. he made Big Show seem secondary but he is in the triple threat Sunday, not Bryan. Another part that bewildered me is how they bill CM Punk as turning his back on Cena. they have never been friends. Punk has beat him time and time again, faces shouldnt have to kiss each others asses every night. After the tag team match I got the feeling that Triple H wants to main event summerslam. He left himself about 30 minutes for a "contract signing" with Brock Lesner. To be fair, theyll draw the most money but this is the type of thing Punk is talking about and he is exactly right. He should be the focus right now. My prediction for the triple threat is a CM punk victory, accompanied by a massive heel turn.

Daniel Bryan v. Kane: Bryan needs a win but WWE isnt that smart. Kane will win, unfortunately.

Do yourself a favor and watch the divas matches on mute from now on. That match took too much time and Layla made the match look like a joke. Layla smiles too much, even in the lock up. if you MUST have this division, let Beth dominate it again.

Ryback. I'll keep this short and boring just like his matches. Have a real fued already. No more squash matches. I didnt even know JTG still had a job. I think Jinder Mahal v Ryback has potential and Summerslam is a good time to pull that trigger and set that match. They should have, but didnt. On the bright side for Ryback, he has the crowds support big time. FEED HIM A FUED!

I always love a good Piper's Pit. I dont agree with the twitter vote but oh well, Im glad they chose Jericho. We all remember when Jericho Pinned Piper at wrestlemania and I was glad that was referenced. They didnt talk long before they were interupted by Ziggler and the Miz. I have to admit I cracked up when Piper tried to get a jericho chant going and was interupted by the Miz. Mainly because it was clearly not staged, Piper's timing was just awful. I thoroughly enjoyed the ensuing triple threat match though. Those three wrestlers looked great together. Got to give it up to Jericho too he truly believes in the younger talent and will push anyone WWE sees fit. Ziggler picked up the pinfall win over Jericho in a slobber knocker but the match was pretty even except the Miz looked like the ball in a tennis match at points. side note. cole keeps saying how dangerous the miz is since his return but he basicaly came back, won the title, and has lost every match since. My prediction for Jericho v Ziggler: Y2J (my favorite wrestler ever) will pick up the win and regain his dignity. This match will be the best match on the card. I think vicki will not be managing ziggler too much longer thankfully.

It has been announced that the Miz will defend the intercontinental title against Rey Mysterio at summerslam. I hope the Miz wins and picks up a little steam. They need to bring a little glory back to that belt and Miz is just the man for the job.

Sin Cara v Tensai left a lot to be desired. Every time those blue lights come on you can bet Sin cara will win. What's with Tensai always beating up his manager? When is someone going to handle all this domestic violence? They were on Ochocino in minutes for headbutting his significant other. Tensai does it every night. (People keeping up with this joke?) The beatings get wierder and wierder every time. I dont feel as though Tensai is long for the WWE.

I was surprised Damion Sandow obliterated Christian. Christian seems to be falling from grace. I could picture him making a jump to TNA in the near future. It was nice to see Brodus Clay without his stupid dancers or dancing gimmick. He is another guy who needs a big time change or he could find himself back in the irrelevent pile of backstage stars.

The prime time players are decent in the ring but their gimmick leaves a lot to be desired. The enterance needs work. I kind of feel bad for AW. there was a time where you could say anything in the WWE but now one Kobe comment can get you booted. Where was Kofi when they beat up R Truth after his match with Heath Slater? I feel like I missed something. R Truth's gimmick needs to change. this little jimmy thing has gone way too far. It made sense as a heel but now its just weird. I thought Truth was excellent as a heel, it might be time to let him go back to it. side note darren young's face reminds me of a black john cena

Random thought: Where is Cody Rhodes??

When I saw that the contract signing was all that was left and there was still 30 minutes left on Raw, I knew Michaels was going down. Shawn is kind of like Triple H's little brother or something. HHH is always saving him from something. We did get what we wanted though, a short contract signing. Michaels basically came back to get his ass handed to him by Brock. They needed to make Brock look dominant without making HHH look weak, so in comes HBK. Shawn must have got a decent payday because now he has to sell that broken arm, like Triple H forgot to do at the Mayweather fight. Lesner was his ass kicking machine self tonight even though we didnt get to see it. Bill him as a monster? Check. I'm surprised they are calling this Triple H's most personal battle yet. He's been through too much and the match doesnt need that kind of hype. Especially since the two of them have only been face to face 3 times ever. side note. i hope paul heyman sticks around for awhile to manage young talent. ziggler, miz, sandow, mahal, he could give any one of them a major boost.
My prediction for HHH v. Lesner: Leser will win in a blood bath. This will be a very physical match. Hopefully it is not as slow to unfold as the Cena/lesner match. Heyman, Stephanie, and HBK will be a big part of the decision.

SummerSlam Matches unaddressed:
Prime Time Players v. Truth and Kingston. Prime Time wins, the tag division will still suck. We all lose when a tag match or divas match comes up.

Antonio Cesaro v Santino Marella. We can only hope Marella is done with that belt. Cesaro would carry the belt well.

WWE TOP TEN 8/14/2012 ( excludes HHH and Lesner)
1. CM Punk
2. Sheamus
3. John Cena
4. Big Show
5. Alberto Del Rio
6. Dolph Ziggler
7. Already read told you, try and keep up
8. Chris jericho
9. The Miz
10. Damion Sandow

What to watch for: Wrestling legend Kurt Angle took to twitter last night to express his anger toward CM Punk for saying TNA is an Indy league.
Kurt Angle: "Punk wants to Say Tna Is An Indy League? I Was On top in Wwe when You Were trying to Get a Job Anywhere. It Was My Choice to go to Tna."
He continues;  "If I ever See You Punk, Hide Bitch!"

We will see what happens with this in time. Punk might be a little too busy right now to bother addressing an angry angle who angers easily, but apologizes when he crosses the line.

This week recreate wrestling will pay tribute to the tag team division and its fall from grace.
feel free to leave comments on your thoughts of the blog and as always follow @recreatewrestling on twitter.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Late on The Tuesday Wrestling Hangover

I am a little behind on the Hangover this week and next week I'm going to be out of the country looking for another member of Recreate Wrestling to write about next week's Raw. Just going to go over a few thoughts here.

Raw Active is kind of dumb.

Glad to see Wade Barrett is coming back.

Raw seems to have better matches now that the program is three hours but the show really drags.

I wondering if Ryback has pink eye.

So glad Damien Sandow is getting time on Raw. He is slowly becoming one of my favorites.

I'm digging the Daniel Bryan NO! NO! NO! shirt. His interaction with the fans is awesome.

Not really sure how HBK will help the Lesnar/Triple H match at Summer Slam but it is great to see him.

Alex Riley defeats Dolph Ziggler. Good for A. Ry

So Miz is the IC Champ but still loses every match.

I also wonder if Daniel Bryan will ever win another match?

I apologize for this being so short after Summer Slam The Wrestling Hangover will be going back to coming out Tuesday Mornings.