Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wrestlers Changing Companies

Hello Wrestling Maniacs! I have been thinking of a really interesting blog to post this weekend. After talking to my brother Mike it hit me. I am going to discuss a list of positive things to happen to the careers of wrestlers who jumped for WWE to TNA, as well as the negative, and indifferent.  I also will discuss the positive, negative, and indifferent of wrestlers who jumped from TNA to WWE. Now please understand I’m not trying to make TNA Impact Wrestling look negative in any light. I have had a lot of issues with their booking but it seems to be improving. (Except for the Garrett Bischoff stuff.) Please understand I enjoy both companies and I’m just sticking to my opinion.

Also understand that some of the wrestlers choose to switch companies others did not and were just out of a job. I am only using current rosters.



Bully Ray

Wow what a difference time makes here. When Buh Buh Ray first went to TNA he was still part of the tag team known as The Dudley Boyz and Team 3D. Team 3D carried their winning ways in TNA and proved to be the greatest tag team in wrestling history. A year or so ago they broke up as a tag team and now look at his career. He went from being a lifelong tag team wrestler to one of the top guys. To be honest he’s pulling it off and is someone people want to see in singles matches. I don’t believe this would have ever worked for him in WWE. They broke up the Dudleys in 2002 and it didn’t do much for either member nor did it last long.

D’Angelo Dinero

In WWE he was Elijah Burke which I believe is his real name. He went from Smackdown to ECW and I honestly thought he was great in ECW. However WWE did not have a lot of faith in him and his biggest push was leader of the New Breed. Eventually he was gone. In TNA he reinvented his career and became a top guy. His biggest match came against AJ Styles at Lockdown 2010. Let me tell you this was a great match and I believed he would pull it out and become champion. Instead AJ pulled it out and the next night dropped the belt to RVD. I hate this; Dinero had enough steam to be champion. I say this as a positive because at a point it seemed his career was taking off further than it would in WWE. TNA has gone on to waste his talent and give more air time to has-beens.

Gail Kim

Let’s put it this way WWE does not know how to use its diva division. Kim realized this and for the second time in her career she went to TNA. Both her TNA runs have been bigger than anything in her time in WWE. Attention women wrestlers don’t waste your time wrestling in WWE. Well I say that but if the money is right go for it.

Matt Morgan

In WWE he wrestled in 2003 on Smackdown as just a big guy there wasn’t much there. He went off TV until 2005 where he was a bodyguard type character for Carlito. He was then released. Thank you for enjoying your cup of coffee Mr. Morgan. He went on to TNA and has had a pretty successful run as the DNA of TNA. If WWE can figure out a way to use this guy he would flourish, he has proved it in TNA. It is confusing why WWE didn’t keep him because he can wrestle and fits the body type Vince wants. In 2005 WWE was cleaning house and he became a victim of that. There are rumors out there he returning to WWE.


Honestly just read what I put for Gail Kim it’s the same thing really. Tara one of the greatest women wrestlers out there, in WWE she was totally wasted.

Ric Flair

Ok this may cause a big debate. I put it positive because plain and simple WWE did not want Flair anymore. I really don’t blame them. Flair is the greatest of all time but in all honesty he needs to retire. I did enjoy his run with AJ Styles after that it’s been pretty poor. But hey the Nature Boy still gets to work and that’s what he wants.


Jeff Hardy

Hardy in 2009 had the wrestling world by the balls. He had runs as both WWE and World Champion. Then he left and was mocked by CM Punk. I haven’t in my opinion seen any good for him in TNA. The heel turn was just terrible. Personal issues have also hindered him. I hate to say this but Hardy will never reach again what he had leaving WWE in 2009. Prove me wrong Hardy.

Kurt Angle

I have to admit Kurt took TNA to the next level back in 2006. He has also had so many great matches in TNA there is no denying that. But honestly did it further his career in anyway? I honestly don’t think so. What it did was give Kurt Angle a healthier schedule for himself and that is great. What I don’t understand is why he can’t now go back on a lighter schedule like Brock Lesnar? I understand he must have some loyalty to TNA now. But he could make more money and leave a greater legacy on professional wrestling. He really can’t go any further with TNA.

Rob Van Dam

What did TNA ever really do for Mr. Monday Night? I completely understand why he left WWE. What they did with ECW was shameful and the fact he never got the ECW title back after his suspension was even worse. Just like Angle however TNA has done nothing for his overall legacy. Can I ask fans out there what is his most important match in TNA? Yes he won the title on a Monday Night Impact but so what. RVD is much more than the way he been used in the last year or two.

Hulk Hogan

Ok now this is just my opinion but he has done nothing but hurt TNA plain and simple. Sorry Hulk you will always be one of the greatest but you can’t help run a company. Here is an open question to readers please tell me what you think is the highlight of Hogan’s TNA run?

Eric Bischoff

Very similar to Hogan, I’m sorry Eazy E. Like Flair it was a positive for him as Eric was not asked to stay with WWE. I honestly believe Bischoff has hurt the company. The fact his son who can’t wrestle or talk is being forced down our throats says it all. Scott Steiner couldn’t be more right Hogan and Bischoff hurt this company. It pains me to say that. The similarities to WCW cannot be ignored. Dixie Carter should watch the Rise and Fall of WCW and maybe even read the book as well.


Not much to say here, he had gone stale with his announcing in WWE. But TNA really hasn’t done much for him. He gets a reasonable pay check and less work. So personally it was probably worth it for him. I think what hurts Taz is his chemistry with Mike Tenay doesn’t really work.


Ken Anderson

He was fired by WWE. (Don’t piss off Randy Orton) I think his run in TNA has been pretty decent. Only thing that hurt him was poor writing. You don’t join a stable and get kicked right out. That’s just dumb. Honestly Anderson wasn’t a HUGE star in WWE. Anything he has done post WWE can only be positive.


Similar position as Anderson career didn’t change much in TNA.



Booker T

Booker T has a decent run in TNA nothing too memorable. He was a member of the Main Event Mafia that was neat. Sarcasm. I think his return to WWE as a commentator has been great. There was no real spot for him in TNA why not go to the booth? Booker gets hated on for his commentary but I actually like it. He is something fresh and new when it comes to calling a match. Plus he makes me laugh almost every time I listen to him.

Christian Cage/ Christian

I think everything he has done in his career has been great. His run in TNA was great. His return to WWE has also been great. He has had runs as both ECW Champion and World Heavyweight Champion. His feud and matches with Randy Orton last year’s shows how much he has left in the tank.


Let’s be real he used TNA to refine his skills. His first WWE run he was K-Quick. Went to TNA became the Truth Ron Killings and won the NWA Heavyweight Champion twice. In WWE his return wasn't great at first. He then found little Jimmy and the rest is history.

Awesome Kong/ Kharma

I think this will be a positive but time will tell.

This may seem anti TNA but I have no negatives or indifferent performers to add. This is not a shot at TNA it’s just what I have seen. If anyone does send it to @Recrewrestling on twitter and I will retweet it. Also send thoughts, comments, and questions to me on twitter as well.

I also ask readers to answer this question. Kurt Angle apparently made a comment saying he and Hardy at Lockdown can put on just as good a match as Undertaker and Triple H did at WrestleMania. Do people agree with this or not?

Remember to leave comments on the blog you need a google account.


  1. Good read for someone like me who isn't a fan of TNA, but I know of the guys who left WWE for it. I would agree how much better it worked out for Bully Ray, and that could be because TNA just said why not and give him the shot. But he looks to have taken advantage of it.

    I don't know how I feel about the Tara move though because I feel she had a good run in WWE at the beginning and didn't know how well she did in TNA, but if anything it might have been about the same.

    Definitely agree with Angle leaving it's probably been a negative for him. I still want Angle to come back and finish his career with WWE as I feel like he can have that last run in him.

    I don't think him and Hardy will match what Undertaker and Triple H did at Wrestlemania. everything for that worked in the match. They were telling the whole story of everything Triple H and Undertaker had gone through in that one match. There's no way Angle and Hardy could match that.

  2. Again we agree on most of what you wrote. I love what you say about Matt Morgan and Ron Killings. As far as your last question... No plain and simple NO!!
    HHH vs TAKER was one of the best matches I've seen in awhile. I don't think Angle vs Hardy would even come close. Thanks again for the opportunity to reply.
    Let's make it happen....
