Monday, May 14, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 5-15-2012

Last night’s Raw was live from Pittsburgh and I have to say that show was plain and simply terrible for the most part. Not a good showing heading into the pay per view Over The Limit which is a basically wasted pay per view for WWE.

Triple H Lesnar Feud Heats Up

We all are wondering when this match will actually take place whether it be Summer Slam or sooner. Tonight makes this whole situation even more interesting. Triple H put it pretty simple that Lesnar has quit everything he has been a part of when it got difficult. (WWE and UFC) There is actually a lot of truth to those words. When Brock’s UFC career got hard and he was losing fights he quit and ran back to WWE. It was a typical Triple H burial of another wrestler. I honestly think he does a great job of this. It has made Brock even more dislikable then before which is a good thing.

Great to see Paul Heyman two weeks in a row, he truly brings so much more to this angle. He got right to the point with Triple H and the lawsuit coming his way. Paul Heyman is my favorite booker in wrestling history. He also is just a solid TV character as well. I have to admit WWE creative deserves a lot of credit for going and getting him to do this.

Big Show Can’t Come Back From That

This segment was absolutely terrible and lacked a lot of logic. Here is what happened; Big Show apologized to John Laurinaitis for making fun of his voice and then begged to keep his job, and by the way he was crying. I sat in my living room thinking why the hell would they do this angle? Who is this going to benefit? What I realized was this was cheap heat for Johnny. WWE you picked the wrong wrestler to do this with. Here is what I don’t get….

Why didn’t Triple H come out and reverse this? Losing a household name like Big Show is bad for business. He is over with you PG audience that you want.

Big Show could easily go wrestle for TNA or Ring of Honor. Why would he embarrass himself when there is plenty of work for him out there?

Big Show has been a star in the biggest wrestling company in the world since 1999. He has plenty of money. Am I really supposed to believe he cares about the kids in the audience that bad that he would humiliate himself? I have to say who is booking this crap?!

Big Show would have a wrongful termination lawsuit on his hands. Doesn’t Triple H already have two lawsuits against him would he really want a third? LOGIC!

This really reminded me of Mick Foley joining Vince McMahon’s kiss my ass club. Foley never really bounced back in WWE after that. I don’t think the Big Show will either. This angle is dumb.

The John Cena and John Laurinaitis Angle Has Become A Disappointment

The final segment on Raw maybe the worst all year, I felt like I was watching John Cena do improve for twenty minutes. So Laurinaitis says all John Cena fans are losers, Cena comes down to the ring to call Laurinaitis a loser and does a horrible Jim Carrey impersonation. Wow that is AWESOME BOOKING!!!! I think Cena even called him a douche bag and then said Puck You. So is this a PG show or not? This was just lazy writing here. Then we find out that if Cena wins Laurinaitis is fired and there will be no outside interference or that person will be fired. This segment took all the steam out of the feud and that is a disappointment.

What I Think

·         Paul Heyman is great hope this turns into a fulltime role but I doubt it.

·         Shouldn’t Triple H sue Brock for breaking his arm?

·         CM Punk doesn’t get a televised ring entrance but Santino does?

·         Thank You Jerry Lawler for pointing out that Michael Cole hated Daniel Bryan before.

·         Bryan vs. Punk will be a classic match shame it’s at Over The Limit.

·         This Divas division is just not interesting and the matches are too short.

·         John Cena does great things for charities and WWE reminds us weekly.

·         While I watched Kane vs. Big Show I thought of an interesting fact. Kane made his debut in WWE in 1997 and Big Show in 1999. Between them they have 5 World Titles and 7 if you count The ECW Title. John Cena and Randy Orton came to WWE in 2002 and have 21 World Titles between them. Interesting.

·         AW future worst stable ever?

·         I have to admit Brodus Clay has lost a lot of steam. The gimmick is becoming very stale. I mean to see him, Truth, and Kofi dancing with kids just annoyed me.

·         The Miz 2012 = John Morrison 2011

·         If I didn’t know it was true I wouldn’t believe The Miz was WWE Champion.

·         Mason Ryan was trending. WTF?

·         Punk and Riley are boys didn’t know that.

·         Sheamus was kind of hard to understand on commentary.

·         The fatal four way match should be good.

·         I want to forget the final segment ever happened.

Wrestler Of The Night: No One.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Big Show. He can’t come back from that. It would be hard to take him serious as a face or heel.

This week Recreate Wrestling is paying tribute to the career of Mike Awesome.

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Dan Venus

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