Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Wrestling Hangover 7-17-2012

Ladies and Gentleman boys and girl children of all ages Recreate Wrestling proudly presents to its Tuesday Wrestling Hangover!! Today we are a little bit behind blogging about last night’s Raw. In all honesty Raw from Las Vegas was pretty lackluster. Maybe I’m being a little bit negative but with the 1000th show next week they could have done a lot more.

What I Think


I think it was no surprise to anyone that John Cena won the WWE Championship Contract Money In The Bank Match.

I think AJ should have screwed CM Punk in his WWE Championship match with Daniel Bryan at Money In The Bank.


I think I’m sick of CM Punk kissing the crowd’s behind.


I think CM Punk speaking his mind a year ago didn’t start a revolution but simply turned him into Cena Light.

I think Big Show is a main event jobber.

I think Big Show was right to say the company revolves around one man. That man is John Cena.



I think AW is struggling to be interesting. He kind of is having a Jimmy Hart thing going by talking in a microphone throughout the match.

I think I was confused that the Prime Time Players got a title match the night after losing on a pay per view.

I think The Prime Time Players are the best tag team WWE currently has. I don’t believe it was their time to win the belts however these guys need to get a big win.

I think Tout is going to annoy me. Does Raw really need to be interactive? It’s not like creative will listen to the fans.



I think it is great Ryder is getting more TV time.

I think it was clear he was going to job to Del Rio. They could have at least made it a match. Ryder could be a great talent for WWE if used correctly.

I think it is good that Rey Mysterio is back. I don’t think he received a very good pop from the Las Vegas crowd. I think most fans have lost interest in him.




I think I’m a big fan of the One Man Band.

I think I’ve always hated the stink face.

I think it was cool Rikishi got to dance with his sons the Usos. I thought Too Cool was going to show up though.



I think I heard the crowd chant Hoeski at Eve.

I think it is great to see The Miz back. What was up with his hair?


I think the crowd was doing a great job with the YES chants.

I think Miz looked like he didn’t want to be there.

I think I’m starting to believe The Miz will never get to the level he was once at. WWE has taken away Miz’s spot. Damn shame.

I think I HATE wedding angles. Daniel Bryan seems to understand that he is pissing off the crowd.

I think it was easy to see the wedding would be next week.


I think it is good Ryback is finally getting real matches, but last night proved how limited he really is. That match well wasn’t actually a match because the bell never rang was absolutely terrible. Those power bombs were hard to watch.


I think Ryback does have a good catch phrase. FEED ME MORE!

I think by October we won’t be seeing much of Ryback anymore. Creative won’t know what to do with him and they will give up.


I think I can’t wait until Ziggler is World Champion.


I think Chris Jericho turned face last night.

I think they had to make it clear that Jericho has won nothing since returning.

I think Chris Jericho has really lost his touch. Retirement for good could be coming soon.


I think I’m surprised JTG is still employed by WWE. This guy hasn’t done anything since Cryme Tyme. Why is he still around?

I think I have realized Brodus Clay is just a PG guy Vince wanted on the roster to help get more kids to watch.


With all the talk of the being the last two hour Raw I think within six months it will go back to two hours.

I think Punk and Big Show had a pretty good match.

I think I’m starting to hate John Cena again. The goody two shoes gimmick is so bad.

I do think CM Punk and John Cena will have a great match for the WWE Championship next week. I won’t be surprised if Cena wins.

Wrestler Of The Night: CM Punk. I’m going with him because he proves he can have a great match with anyone.


Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Ryback. What he proved last night is he can’t wrestle.

This week Recreate Wrestling pays tribute to Sherri Martel.


Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling.

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