Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday Wrestling Hangover 7-31-2012

Last night Raw was live from Cincinnati Ohio for episode 1001. The start to the show had its hiccups with the Titan Tron catching on fire. The show overall was pretty good but three hours is going to be tough to watch every week. I found myself wanting the program to be over.

What I Think

I think I really liked the guy behind Cole and Lawler with The Blue World Order shirt.


I think CM Punk was right that The Rock is not the WWE Universe. The focus does need to be on the champion and it has not been. Finally they have booked Punk to be mad about that. If indeed it is going to be him and Rock at Royal Rumble it will be epic plain and simple.

I think I heard Big Show say John Cena lost the week before. He may not have won the championship but he did win by DQ.

I think Santino did an awesome job taking a beating from Alberto Del Rio last night. It what seems to be ADR’s last match before Summer Slam Santino made him look solid.

I think I thoroughly enjoyed Damien Sandow’s beat down on Brodus Clay. Sandow is a future champion love every time he’s on RAW.


I think AJ is really annoying it’s even worse now that she is the GM of Raw.


I think Sheamus and Daniel Bryan gave us a really great street fight. I do believe Bryan needs to win a match at some point. He always loses. I think the backstage stuff with the doctor was hilarious. What was up with the Kane attack?


I think Titus O’Neil got a well deserved win against Kofi Kingston. It is time to make the Prime Time Players legit.


I think AW’s comment about Kobe Bryant and a Colorado hotel room was uncalled for. That happened almost ten years ago. It wasn’t a PG thing to say and most of the crowd probably had forgotten about the incident and were confused what he was talking about. My question is was it planned? When they came back from break Michael Cole apologized for the comment.

I think Randy Orton looked tiny in his match with Heath Slater. It is obvious he is off the juice. He had a pretty strange haircut as well.

I think I like where the Jericho/Ziggler feud is going. I wish The Miz didn’t take the fall in the tag match.


I think I heard an Albert chant in the Tensai/Tyson Kidd match. For a short match this was a great one. I hate reverse decisions. What decision did the ref really make he just counted to three? WWE needs to decide what they are going to do with Tensai.


I think it felt like they showed the Triple H/Brock Lesnar video package a 100 times.


I think Big Show and John Cena put on a pretty good match. CM Punk on commentary is always entertaining. I think the Big Show/John Cena/CM Punk triple threat match at Summer Slam doesn’t need the Big Show.

I have to admit I was laughing when Punk kept saying show me some respect to AJ as Raw went of the air.

Wrestler Of The Night: Damien Sandow. Great to see him attack the most annoying wrestler on the roster.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Santino. He did a great job selling for Del Rio but some of that had to hurt.

Dan Venus

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