Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 6-26-2012

Last night’s Raw was live from Indiana and I have to say the show was an improvement from what has been on the last couple weeks. Vickie Guerrero did a solid job filling in as the GM.

What I think

I think AJ has become a star in WWE and the whole crazy chick thing is over with the fans.

I think giving us Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk was a great way to start off Raw and get viewers sucked into the program. When Raw moves to three hours high profile matches like this will help. I only wish the title was on the line.

I think I almost saw CM Punk and Kane hit the doomsday device LOD style on D Bryan.

I think it was great the Daniel Bryan finally pick up a win. He pinned Punk and now the two will meet again for the title at Money In The Bank.

I think I miss CM Punk as a heel. I tweeted earlier this week that I believe Punk has become John Cena light. Can anyone really disagree with that?

I think after the dominant loss to Big Show Brodus Clay is on a decline. To be honest I think he is a flash in the pan at this point. The gimmick has gotten old and he is limited in the ring. I’m guessing after the knee injury and the knockout blow we won’t see him in awhile and that’s a good thing. Creative really needs to figure out what they are doing with Clay. Also I’m surprised the announce team didn’t mention that was the end of his undefeated streak.


I think I heard something about Charlie Sheen and 1000th episode of Raw. Yeah Sheen is a PG kind of guy.


I think I’m excited to see Brock Lesnar on Raw next week.

I think it’s time to repackage Jack Swagger. This guy was World Champion two years and now he jobs to Santino. Santino just kind of annoys me now I think it’s time he either becomes serious or goes away.


I think it was good to see Zack Ryder for the 5 seconds we saw him. Seriously this guy deserves better than this.

John Cena has me laughing with his Star Wars promo.

After hearing audio of Fozzy I think Chris Jericho can’t really sing. Do people really pay money to hear this band?

I think Money In The Bank is going to suck this year. The WWE Championship contract match will only be former champions. That is a great way to get over other talent. Sarcasm. After seeing who’s in the match I hope Kane wins but I doubt it. Good chance Cena pulls it off and sets up a match with Punk at Summer Slam. Cena vs. Punk 3 has been the hot rumor over the internet.

I think it was great to see Psycho Sid last night. Not sure why they were spelling is Sycho Sid. Finally WWE isn’t just bringing back the same old legends.


Is it me or is Heath Slater kind of getting over for these ridiculous promos and beat downs. I hated it before but I’m starting to like it.

I think I heard Sid talking about coming back to WWE in a shoot interview back in 2010. After seeing the shape he is in that’s not going to happen.

I think the contract on a pole match with Del Rio and Ziggler was well done. It was something we hadn’t seen in awile. I found it interesting that they had to have control on the contract to actually win the match.

I think Chris Jericho and John Cena had a great match. The Big Show run in and choke out of Cena did nothing for me.

Wrestler Of The Night: Psycho Sid. Who was marking out when he came to the ring?


Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Brodus Clay. Somebody call his Momma his push is over.

This week Recreate Wrestling pays Tribute to Chris Candido.


Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 06-19-2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover

While WWE looks for a mega storyline for the summer for the third year in a row they seem to be failing.  Last two years we saw The Nexus storyline and the CM Punk shoot that led to a great feud with Cena. If last nights Raw from Long Island NY is any indication it’s not looking good. The Lesnar/Triple H feud has a chance to steal the summer but everything else doesn’t look good. The Big Show, John Cena, and Laurinaitis angle has been botched and that’s a real crime. With that being said let’s get into what I think about last night’s Monday Night Raw.


What I think I think about Monday Night Raw 06-18-12

I think I’m tired of Mick Foley; I just don’t get excited anymore when he makes appearance on TV. Mick will always be the hardcore legend but he’s lost what makes him entertaining on the mic and let’s face it thats all he can do now.

I think the WWE writing staff should be fired for botching the Big Show, Laurinaitis, and Cena angle. You end it that quickly after Big Show went heel? There better be a point to all this but I doubt it.

I think I’m going to miss Big Johnny. I think Laurinaitis really proved himself in the time he was the heel GM.


I think logically it doesn’t make sense that someone who was fired can show up for work the next day.

I think booking Sheamus/ CM Punk vs. Kane/Daniel Bryan shows how lazy the booking team is.

I think I’m disappointed Kane didn’t win the WWE Championship at No Way Out. I would like to see Kane get one last title run.


I think CM Punk has been deserving of his extremely long title run with only Cena and JBL having longer runs in the last fifteen years.

I think AJ coming out in a Kane mask was bizarre but interesting. Is it me or is she really doing a good job here?


I think it’s stupid that Daniel Bryan never wins a match.

I have to say Jack Swagger made me laugh when he yelled VICKIE GUERRERO IS A SAINT!

I think the fans have spoken and we want Dolph Ziggler to be champion. It is time already. I mean the two World Champs are both faces how about one of the heels gets a chance.


I think Swagger should have actually beat Ziggler last night. I don’t believe Dolph needs a manager anymore.

I think the writing staff is actually doing a good job with the Triple H/Lesnar feud. I wonder how much of this is the writing team or Triple H and Heyman themselves.


I think Paul Heyman will be hearing ECW chants for the rest of his life.


I think Triple H and Paul Heyman going back and forth saved Raw last night. Overall it was a pretty bad show but these two made a great segment.

I think we all knew Triple H was going to punch Paul Heyman.


I think it would have been neat if Lesnar came through the crowd and jumped Triple H.

I think Alberto Del Rio came back very quickly from his concussion.

I’m glad Santino was absolutely squashed last night.

I think the US Title means nothing anymore. Let’s look at what the Champion was involved with two nights in a row.

1.       Tuxedo match with a manager that led the crowd to chant boring.

2.       The next night he is destroyed by a wrestler returning from a concussion.

It is time to unify the Intercontinental and United States Championships. The way the US strap has been used is terrible its time to get rid of it.

I think the Cyndi Lauper segment was just awful, so hard to actually watch that.

I think Heath Slater hit the nail on the head that it was a train wreck.

I liked how the fans were chanting WE WANT RYDER!! Hey WWE give the people what they want already.

Roddy Piper came out to a huge pop. I rather have seen Ryder.

I think I’m really glad Michael Cole apologized for the segment. The kicker was the whole thing was to promote her upcoming album. (No one is going to buy it)

I think AW SUX! But I think I like the Prime Time Players.

I think I like Titus O’Niel yelling at a fan and saying SHUT UP FAT BOY! I love the heel fan interaction.

I think I heard the commentators say the John Cena was in trouble in this 3-1 handicap match. At the SmackDown taping I was at last week I watched Cena beat all three of them in the Dark Match.

I think that it was crappy that both Big Show and David Otunga walked out of the main event. I mean this could be good for Big Show after this loss he needs to get away from Cena and feud with someone WWE will actually let him beat.

I think it was dumb watching Big Johnny get beat down two nights in a row. This does what for the future of the storyline? I would have like to see who Cena was going to feud with next.

I think I’m really going to miss People Power.

I think not having Zack Ryder on the show that took place in Long Island is such BS. The crowd wanted it. I’m sure he probably did show up in a non-televised part of the show but still come on.

I think if WWE writing staff doesn’t step up three hour Raw shows will be tough to watch. Overall the only thing looking really good is the Triple H/Lesnar feud and Brock hasn’t made an appearance in two months.

Wrestler Of The Night: Triple H and Paul Heyman. Heyman might not be a wrestler but Triple H and himself had the most entertaining part of the night.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Zack Ryder. WWE doesn’t have him wrestle a match in his hometown. That is not right.


This week Recreate Wrestling Pays Tribute to the career of Chris Kanyon.

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 Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling

Sunday, June 17, 2012

WWE No Way Out Predictions

WWE No Way Out Predictions

I don’t think this has a chance at being the pay per view of the year but who knows they may pull out all the stops here.

Pre-Show David Otunga vs. Brodus Clay

Who honestly cares about this match? I’m going to go with Brodus Clay.

Divas Title Match Layla vs. Beth Phoenix

This match isn’t really that exciting I see Layla pulling this one out. I’m guessing the match will go about five minutes.

Tuxedo Match Santino vs. Ricardo Rodriguez

I have to say I hate the idea of this match. Do wrestling fans really want to see Santino or Ricardo stripped down to their underwear? Who is booking this crap! A match like this has no place in wrestling in 2012. I’m going with Santino to win this match. It is going to be tough to watch.

Intercontinental Title Match Christian vs. Cody Rhodes


This should be a great match these two guys are two of the best mid carders in the business today. I’m going to go with Cody Rhodes winning the title back. I thought Rhodes was the best IC Champion WWE had since Randy Orton was champion in 03-04.

Triple H’s announcement

I believe Triple H will call out Lesnar for a match at Summer Slam. I don’t expect Brock to show up tonight without being advertised.

WWE Championship CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Here is a bold prediction here Kane wins the WWE Championship tonight. He hasn’t had the title since 1998 where he held it for 24 hours. He should be retiring soon I think he should get one last short run with the title. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan don’t need a championship to make their feud interesting.

World Heavyweight Championship Match Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler


I think this one is easy Sheamus wins this in a great match. I would love if the put the strap on Ziggler but it’s not going to happen.

Steel Cage Match Big Show vs. John Cena


This is a tough match to predict neither man needs a loss right now. If Cena wins Laurinaitis is fired if Big Show wins Johnny said he will fire Cena. Do I actually believe Laurinaitis can actually fire Cena. No. Vince could easily override that. Hasn’t Cena been fired multiple times already anyways? What I think is going to happen is Vince screws over Cena. Big Show wins this match. I have no idea where this storyline can really go after that.
Dan Venus

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why This Brock Lesnar Character Has No Place In WWE

“Why this Brock Lesnar Character has No Place In the WWE…EVER”

By: the Anonymous #recreate General Manager

Brock Lesnar’s second coming is synonymous with strength, aggression, and attitude. He is the self-proclaimed “ass kicker” that stole our hearts with a wordless F5 to John Cena the night after WrestleMania. However, a mere month or so later he is gone, and it’s almost as if he never came back. After destroying, and then quickly jobbing to the resurrected Super-Cena at Extreme Rules he broke Triple H’s arm and disappeared. How come that hold “broke Hunter’s arm” but hobbled Cena for 1 week? The short answer; Wrestling is fake. I know it, you know it, and the whole world knows it. But even with that knowledge we expect a degree of credibility when it comes to these storylines. Breaking the COO’s arm has made that move obsolete or at least it should. Why? You expect me to believe it broke the arm of the 100 time world champ, then maybe later he puts it on Kofi Kingston on Raw and it’s a simple submission victory? Anybody that wrestles Brock will have to immediately take time off. Lesnar has cornered himself. He can only compete against high level superstars in gimmick matches or his feuds will be plain terrible. His ground and pound offense cannot be matched by anybody on the roster. Lesnar simply put, is no longer a wrestler. He is a fighter, an ass kicker, and a legitimate danger to everyone in the ring with him. His match with Cena was boring and at times hard to watch. Imagine that match against wrestlers like the Miz or CM Punk. They just don’t match up. It’s pointless to have Brock on the roster. There’s nobody close enough in stature to compete against him when he fights like it’s the UFC, and the badass types like Kurt Angle that carried him are long gone. Lesnar’s first run may have been one of the most successful ever, but unless he goes back to his old style he will never have any chemistry with today’s WWE talent.

With all that being said about Brock Lesnar not fitting in with this era of wrestling, I would like to make a not so bold statement. This Lesnar character; WOULD NOT FIT IN WITH ANY GENERATION OF WRESLTING. He would not fit in with the “Rockin 80’s,” he would not fit in with the “attitude era,” he could even go to TNA and try to pick back up with Kurt Angle. Ah Kurt angle, now there’s a man who took his craft, amateur wrestling, and incorporated it into the wrestling styles of the WWE. Notice I said incorporated, he didn’t make it his entire offense. He was a multi-dimensional WWE Superstar. Ken Shamrock is another example of a guy who came from another world and incorporated it, without overdoing it. Lesner has made his UFC background his gimmick. He wears the shorts, he rocks the sponsors, and he grounds his opponent and pummels the hell out of them. How do you combat a monster charging and putting you to your back and punching you silly, in a WWE ring? You can’t, you just can’t. His matches will be over quick, or so over the top fake that it will be insulting to the viewer. In short, Brock should see if the UFC is hiring and leave the WWE to those in the entertainment industry.

Recreate Wrestling Comes to Smackdown

Living in New Hampshire you get a few opportunities per year to take in a live WWE show. This year Smackdown came to Verizon Wireless Arena in Machester, NH. This is a quick fifteen minute drive for us at Recreate Wrestling. Let me tell you we had a blast.


The night started off well. When each of us got out of work we headed to Manchester . When we arrived  we stopped in Jillian’s, near where we parked, to grab a quick beer before the show. While we were there I had to use the restroom. What you have to love about wrestling fans is we just don’t care. As I stood at the urinal the gentleman next to me just starts talking about the show. We talked about how the crowds have been in Manchester over the years. What I found was we both attended Backlash 05 a pay per view where Hulk Hogan wrestled in a tag team with Shawn Michaels. The crowd that night was absolutely on fire and we both agreed. The conversation quickly changed when I noticed the shirt he was wearing. Now, me, I had the Daniel Bryan YES! YES! YES! Shirt my girlfriend had ordered me weeks ago. The man was wearing a Z-Man shirt. Yes Z-Man Tom Zenk a guy who had a pretty serious WCW run before the promotion really exploded in the 90s.  I had to say how cool it was to see that shirt. You don’t get more random than that. To be honest I believe my brother even had a Z-Man action figure.

When we got into the arena I have to say it just feels like home being around wrestling. After a quick argument with other fans about which seat was belonged to who, NXT started. A guy next to us had dropped a few f bombs and a dad in front of us asked him to stop because he had his son with him. The man apologized for using such foul kind of language. As a wrestling fan for twenty plus years it’s so easy to see how much the product has truly changed. In the 90s vulgar language was just expected. In the PG era fans just shouldn’t be swearing in the audience with children around. I do remember a moment at a house show in 2007 where I believe the match was between Matt Hardy and MVP. There was a man in the audience extremely intoxicated swearing and yelling. We were far enough away where the wrestlers would never hear it. Either way the man was taking shots at Matt Hardy. I didn’t really care too much but a father with his 9 year old son wasn’t too pleased and asked the man to stop. Well being drunk the man didn’t. The next time he swore the 9 year old stood up and told the man he was going to kick his ass. Talk about a shocking moment! We all actually applauded the kid. But again look how the product has changed.


The show as a whole was a pretty average Smackdown episode ; nothing too crazy. I have to admit it would be nice to get some of the chants we had going. Here’s a few examples:

During a match with Michael Mcgillicutty   we started to chant: “ Joe Henning.”  Too many of the younger audience have no clue what we were talking about. In all honesty would WWE please to let him wrestle under that name?

When Damien Sandow was in the ring we started chanting “Rick Martel. “ I mean seriously Sandow pink?


When Cena came out we started chanting “Rocky SUX! “

Also, Cena’s dad was in the audience. Now a little side story:  my buddy got married back in September and the justice of the peace was the older John Cena. I have to say… what a great guy. Extremely nice; even brought a replica title for everyone to take picture with. Our section and another desperately tried to get “CENA’S DAD” chant, just couldn’t get it going. I feel like chants as a whole in wrestling just aren’t as good anymore. I remember going to an ECW event in 2000 and you could get any kind of chant going. It stinks those days have come and gone.

When we were exiting the show I had a chance to see a bunch of wacky wrestling shirts. There was a fan with “I love the Warrior” shirt as well as a Barry Horowitz tee shirt. The best thing about going to a wrestling show is the other fans. We live in a world where your average wrestling fan is blackballed by everyone else because they just don’t get it. They don’t understand what makes us love this form of entertainment so much. When a wrestling fan meets another there is the automatic bond that can’t be broken. Where can we see a guy wearing a Barry Horowitz shirt and someone actually know what he is referring to.


Dan Venus