Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 06-19-2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover

While WWE looks for a mega storyline for the summer for the third year in a row they seem to be failing.  Last two years we saw The Nexus storyline and the CM Punk shoot that led to a great feud with Cena. If last nights Raw from Long Island NY is any indication it’s not looking good. The Lesnar/Triple H feud has a chance to steal the summer but everything else doesn’t look good. The Big Show, John Cena, and Laurinaitis angle has been botched and that’s a real crime. With that being said let’s get into what I think about last night’s Monday Night Raw.


What I think I think about Monday Night Raw 06-18-12

I think I’m tired of Mick Foley; I just don’t get excited anymore when he makes appearance on TV. Mick will always be the hardcore legend but he’s lost what makes him entertaining on the mic and let’s face it thats all he can do now.

I think the WWE writing staff should be fired for botching the Big Show, Laurinaitis, and Cena angle. You end it that quickly after Big Show went heel? There better be a point to all this but I doubt it.

I think I’m going to miss Big Johnny. I think Laurinaitis really proved himself in the time he was the heel GM.


I think logically it doesn’t make sense that someone who was fired can show up for work the next day.

I think booking Sheamus/ CM Punk vs. Kane/Daniel Bryan shows how lazy the booking team is.

I think I’m disappointed Kane didn’t win the WWE Championship at No Way Out. I would like to see Kane get one last title run.


I think CM Punk has been deserving of his extremely long title run with only Cena and JBL having longer runs in the last fifteen years.

I think AJ coming out in a Kane mask was bizarre but interesting. Is it me or is she really doing a good job here?


I think it’s stupid that Daniel Bryan never wins a match.

I have to say Jack Swagger made me laugh when he yelled VICKIE GUERRERO IS A SAINT!

I think the fans have spoken and we want Dolph Ziggler to be champion. It is time already. I mean the two World Champs are both faces how about one of the heels gets a chance.


I think Swagger should have actually beat Ziggler last night. I don’t believe Dolph needs a manager anymore.

I think the writing staff is actually doing a good job with the Triple H/Lesnar feud. I wonder how much of this is the writing team or Triple H and Heyman themselves.


I think Paul Heyman will be hearing ECW chants for the rest of his life.


I think Triple H and Paul Heyman going back and forth saved Raw last night. Overall it was a pretty bad show but these two made a great segment.

I think we all knew Triple H was going to punch Paul Heyman.


I think it would have been neat if Lesnar came through the crowd and jumped Triple H.

I think Alberto Del Rio came back very quickly from his concussion.

I’m glad Santino was absolutely squashed last night.

I think the US Title means nothing anymore. Let’s look at what the Champion was involved with two nights in a row.

1.       Tuxedo match with a manager that led the crowd to chant boring.

2.       The next night he is destroyed by a wrestler returning from a concussion.

It is time to unify the Intercontinental and United States Championships. The way the US strap has been used is terrible its time to get rid of it.

I think the Cyndi Lauper segment was just awful, so hard to actually watch that.

I think Heath Slater hit the nail on the head that it was a train wreck.

I liked how the fans were chanting WE WANT RYDER!! Hey WWE give the people what they want already.

Roddy Piper came out to a huge pop. I rather have seen Ryder.

I think I’m really glad Michael Cole apologized for the segment. The kicker was the whole thing was to promote her upcoming album. (No one is going to buy it)

I think AW SUX! But I think I like the Prime Time Players.

I think I like Titus O’Niel yelling at a fan and saying SHUT UP FAT BOY! I love the heel fan interaction.

I think I heard the commentators say the John Cena was in trouble in this 3-1 handicap match. At the SmackDown taping I was at last week I watched Cena beat all three of them in the Dark Match.

I think that it was crappy that both Big Show and David Otunga walked out of the main event. I mean this could be good for Big Show after this loss he needs to get away from Cena and feud with someone WWE will actually let him beat.

I think it was dumb watching Big Johnny get beat down two nights in a row. This does what for the future of the storyline? I would have like to see who Cena was going to feud with next.

I think I’m really going to miss People Power.

I think not having Zack Ryder on the show that took place in Long Island is such BS. The crowd wanted it. I’m sure he probably did show up in a non-televised part of the show but still come on.

I think if WWE writing staff doesn’t step up three hour Raw shows will be tough to watch. Overall the only thing looking really good is the Triple H/Lesnar feud and Brock hasn’t made an appearance in two months.

Wrestler Of The Night: Triple H and Paul Heyman. Heyman might not be a wrestler but Triple H and himself had the most entertaining part of the night.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Zack Ryder. WWE doesn’t have him wrestle a match in his hometown. That is not right.


This week Recreate Wrestling Pays Tribute to the career of Chris Kanyon.

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 Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling

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