Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 6-12-12

I didn’t know what to make of last night’s Raw from Hartford Connecticut. In the ring matches were great but as far as storylines are concerned I’m not so sure. The Big Show/Cena feud leaves a lot to be desired. I do enjoy the CM Punk/Bryan/Kane/Aj storyline but it has a certain Jerry Springer vibe to it. Anyways here is what I think about Raw.


What I Think


I think Vince got a tremendously huge pop from the crowd last night. It was really good to see him again.

I think it’s time Vince McMahon puts himself in the Hall of Fame.  

I think I like how Laurinitis pointing out DX shoved Vince in Big Show’s butt. Actually that was pretty awful at the time.

I think Vince got a cheap pop for throwing the scooter off the ramp.

I think Del Rio being out of action is a shame. As a fan you have to be concerned that he is always injured.

I think Sheamus and Tensai would be a great long term feud.


I think WWE really dropped the ball with Tensai. I really hope he bounces back because that match last night was great.

I think Tensai is starting to have more of a personality.

I think it is good Tensai is separating from his manager.

I think Sheamus was involved in great matches on Raw back to back weeks. His match with Ziggler was great last week. They should put on a great show at No Way Out.

I think if you put a microphone in front of R-Truth you get gold. Looks like the foot injury is real and he will be out for awhile.


I think I love hearing the original Raw music really takes me back.

I think Santino is carrying Zack Ryder’s US Championship.


I think I hate mixed tag matches.

I think I want to know if Ricardo is more over than Del Rio.

I think it was funny Ricardo was wearing a Justin Biber shirt.

I think Daniel Bryan and CM Punk put on a great promo. Goat face trended worldwide.


I think the triple threat match should be the main event at No Way Out.

I think seeing Christian got me thinking that TNA really wasted how he was used on their PPV.

I think with all the injuries and suspensions it’s time for Dolph Ziggler to shine again.


I think I really like Ryback but it is time he has an actual match. Beating
jobbers that weigh a hundred and twenty pounds means what?

I think I find the Goldberg chants interesting. Ryback is no Goldberg.


I think I’m tired of Vince always taking shots at Jim Ross.

I think Kofi did a good job making Big Show look good in the steel cage.

I think it was great to see Vader on Raw. Heath Slater that loss will haunt you.

I think I’m confused by the fans chanting you still got it to Vader. Were we watching the same match?

I think AJ kissing Kane was weird and uncomfortable.

I think the final segment of the show fell flat. The highlight was Vince being punched by Big Show. I just found myself wishing Raw would end.

I think three hours is way too long for Monday Night Raw. This is not going to work.

Wrestler Of The Night: Dolph Ziggler. He is getting a heavyweight championship match on a pay per view and he deserves it.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Heath Slater. You got beat by a retired Big Van Vader. That can’t be good for his career.

This week Recreate Wrestling pays tribute to Bam Bam Bigelow.


Dan Venus Head Blogger of Recreate Wrestling.

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