Sunday, June 17, 2012

WWE No Way Out Predictions

WWE No Way Out Predictions

I don’t think this has a chance at being the pay per view of the year but who knows they may pull out all the stops here.

Pre-Show David Otunga vs. Brodus Clay

Who honestly cares about this match? I’m going to go with Brodus Clay.

Divas Title Match Layla vs. Beth Phoenix

This match isn’t really that exciting I see Layla pulling this one out. I’m guessing the match will go about five minutes.

Tuxedo Match Santino vs. Ricardo Rodriguez

I have to say I hate the idea of this match. Do wrestling fans really want to see Santino or Ricardo stripped down to their underwear? Who is booking this crap! A match like this has no place in wrestling in 2012. I’m going with Santino to win this match. It is going to be tough to watch.

Intercontinental Title Match Christian vs. Cody Rhodes


This should be a great match these two guys are two of the best mid carders in the business today. I’m going to go with Cody Rhodes winning the title back. I thought Rhodes was the best IC Champion WWE had since Randy Orton was champion in 03-04.

Triple H’s announcement

I believe Triple H will call out Lesnar for a match at Summer Slam. I don’t expect Brock to show up tonight without being advertised.

WWE Championship CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Here is a bold prediction here Kane wins the WWE Championship tonight. He hasn’t had the title since 1998 where he held it for 24 hours. He should be retiring soon I think he should get one last short run with the title. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan don’t need a championship to make their feud interesting.

World Heavyweight Championship Match Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler


I think this one is easy Sheamus wins this in a great match. I would love if the put the strap on Ziggler but it’s not going to happen.

Steel Cage Match Big Show vs. John Cena


This is a tough match to predict neither man needs a loss right now. If Cena wins Laurinaitis is fired if Big Show wins Johnny said he will fire Cena. Do I actually believe Laurinaitis can actually fire Cena. No. Vince could easily override that. Hasn’t Cena been fired multiple times already anyways? What I think is going to happen is Vince screws over Cena. Big Show wins this match. I have no idea where this storyline can really go after that.
Dan Venus

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