Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 5-1-2012

Monday Night Raw continues to just be great. Last night was filled with a bunch of shocking moments throughout the program. Brock Lesnar and John Laurinaitis have in one night made themselves the top heels in the business. They have helped make Raw and WWE unpredictable TV. I loved it.

Thoughts On Raw

Opening Segment

The opening segment on Raw was absolutely brilliant. Triple H coming down to rain on the parade of Lesnar and Laurinaitis by taking away the demands Brock was given last week. It was great in the opening promo before the show when it said Raw starring Brock Lesnar. We all had an idea that tonight would lead to a Triple H/Lesnar feud but I didn’t realize how well it would be done. When Triple H took away the demands Lesnar completely snapped. He beat the hell out of Triple H and broke his arm. (kayfabe) Brock Lesnar seems like a man that is extremely dangerous and can snap at anytime. WWE has complete gold with him. It didn’t even matter that he lost at Extreme Rules. WWE creative you should be applauded.

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth New Tag Team Champions

Ok Epico and Primo really weren’t going anywhere as the champs. I don’t really think they are over with the fans and frankly they just aren’t that entertaining. My problem here WWE has just replaced Evan Bourne with R-Truth. Kofi Kingston is becoming a career tag team wrestler. I guess he really will never climb out of the mid card and besides the IC and US titles it’s not going to get any better for him. R-Truth however is getting stuck in the mid card because of his change to being a baby face. This guy showed what a great crazy heel he can be. He was even part of the main event at Survivor Series and I will add Awesome Truth was a way better tag team than Kingston and Truth. I just think R-Truth has the talent to be much more. I think if Kofi was better on the mic he would too.

Beat The Clock

I honestly usually really hate when this is done. But honestly tonight it was done very well. I found myself confused that SmackDown wrestlers were involved in it. But after tonight I guess any wrestler from any brand can wrestle for any championship. With it being Raw Super Show I guess that makes sense. I am grateful Miz was able to avenge his loss to Santino from the Extreme Rules pre show. But what is the deal is he on a losing streak or not? Jericho and Big Show gave an interesting match involving a count out. JeriShow was a great tag team by the way. There were two other matches but they aren’t important enough to talk about here. What is important is Daniel Bryan won and will face CM Punk at Over The Limit and that’s a great thing! But enough with Jerry Lawler getting into the ring, I understand wrestling is pre determined but we are suppose to look at it as real. Why did Daniel Bryan get to wrestle someone in their 60s? How is that fair?

The Bella Twins fired? Ok. I guess they are getting released.

Ending Of The Show:

This was truly a great ending to the show. Cena shows up in a sling and has words with General Manager John Laurinaitis. It seems now that at Extreme Rules it was Laurinaitis who wanted him to take six months off. Laurinaitis then had everyone thinking it would be Lord Tensai and Cena at Over The Limit as Tensai was making his way to the ring. Instead Johnny takes a cheap shot and he, Lord Tensai, and Tensai’s manger beat the holy hell out of an injured John Cena. Then it was announced that Cena’s opponent will be John Laurinaitis. I really liked this ending just made for terrific TV. WWE creative has really come around.

Random Thoughts:

·         That crowd was anti-Lesnar.

·         Could they have picked a worse bunch of guys to help Triple H? R-Truth was fired by Triple H. Sheamus put Triple H out of action for almost a year. Do I really have to talk about the years of feuding between Big Show and Triple H? Kofi was the only one that would make any sense.

·         Big Show’s small package on Jericho.

·         Jericho won’t be facing Punk again! Yes they put on great matches but the feud was stale.

·         JTG on Raw. Alright good for him. Somebody should have called his Momma.

·         I thought the Orton Swagger match was pretty good.

·         Kane and Khali was a rematch for WrestleMania 23. Didn’t care to see it then and didn’t care to see it on Raw.

·         Jerry Lawler stay out of the ring!

·         CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan will be a great match on a crappy PPV.

·         John Cena referenced the DVD release of No Holds Barred. This is truly a horrible Hulk Hogan movie but I love it. I can’t wait to purchase it.

Wrestler of The Night: Brock Lesnar. This comeback keeps getting better and better.


Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: Triple H. I realize Lesnar didn’t actually break his arm but DAMN  did that look like it hurt.


Follow us @Recrewrestling  feel free to send question, comments, and thoughts.

 Dan Venus


Sunday, April 29, 2012

What If Brock Lesnar Didn't Leave WWE In 2004?

This will be the first article of a new part of Recreate Wrestling. The focus will be on the What Ifs of Wrestling. We will go over possible scenarios if certain things did not happen. The first we will be looking at is: What if Brock Lesnar didn’t leave WWE in 2004?

Brock Lesnar leaves WWE in 2004: What if he didn’t?

Would Eddie Guerrero ever had his run as WWE Champion?


I wonder this for many reasons. Brock dropped the title to Eddie at No Way Out 2004 allowing Guerrero his first and only championship run. I’m sure Vince knew Lesnar was leaving when his contract was up after Mania. It made more sense at WrestleMania to have Lesnar go in as champion. WWE knew they had to get the title off him and I guess they decided it better if it was done before Mania. They also could have him face Goldberg for the title because he was leaving as well. I think Eddie would have still been champion at some point but it is something to consider.

John Bradshaw Layfield


At WrestleMania 20 Bradshaw was still wrestling as a member of the Acolytes. When Lesnar left SmackDown needed a new main event heel. They completely repacked Bradshaw as JBL. Overnight he was now a main eventer. It is interesting because in his 9 year WWE career he was never considered a main event guy. The departure of Lesnar and the fact Kurt Angle was injured allowed JBL an amazing opportunity and he took full advantage. You have to wonder where his career would have gone without the exit of Brock.

Would John Cena have the career he has had?


I do believe Cena was destined to be a top guy and it would have happened regardless of Lesnar leaving. But would it have become everything it was? Would we have seen Super Cena from 2005-2011 where hardly anyone could ever beat him? It is interesting to think about. WWE has had a lack of star power over the last decade I will rephrase that young star power, and John Cena has taken full advantage. Maybe if Brock was around these the last 8 years it wouldn’t be exactly what it was. Who not out of the 90’s has gotten over as much as Cena besides CM Punk and Randy Orton? I’m sure there is an answer so shoot me a tweet.

Brock Lesnar v. Bill Goldberg WrestleMania 20 wouldn’t have been such a disaster.


This match was absolutely terrible, the fans knew both guys were leaving the company and they let them know their frustration. The match was laughable and if you haven’t seen it I suggest you do.

The Minnesota Viking wouldn’t have wasted their time.

Honestly Brock had no business trying to go to the NFL. I think maybe he thought he could pull it off because Stephan Neal of the Patriots had done it. The NCAA wrestler jumped to the NFL without playing college football. Interesting note Neal beat Brock in college. Honestly Brock leaving WWE was not a failure in the end for him. He had a great UFC career after even winning the Heavyweight Championship.


Questions and thoughts please send to @Recrewrestling on twitter.

Dan Venus

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 4-24-2012

I’m on vacation this week and I apologize for being a little late on the Wrestling Hangover. Last night’s Raw was very entertaining. There is a lot of hype now heading into Extreme Rules. I have realized the return of Lesnar has really helped out with the post WrestleMania lag. Usually Extreme Rules is a pay per view not worth ordering. No one can say that this year.


What I Liked

·         Edge showing up unannounced to speak to John Cena.


·         “I don’t understand who the hell this John Cena is.” –Edge

·         Everything Edge said about Brock Lesnar not caring about the business is completely and 100 percent true.

·         “WAKE UP!” –Edge

·         Jericho hitting the code breaker on Kingston in the air.

·         I really hate a lot about the Jericho/Punk feud but Jericho does a great job making you hate him.

·         “Best in the world at everything I do.” –Chris Jericho

·         Randy Orton putting Paul Bearer in the freezer. Nice to see Percy on TV.

·         Kane’s true dad is the devil that made me laugh.

·         Way to get on camera Alex Riley. I got a feeling he will be future endeavored soon which is a shame.

·         Like seeing Alberto Del Rio each week. Del Rio and Rhodes are great heels.

·         Cody Rhodes putting Big Show in the figure four leg lock.

·         Brock beating up on Josh Matthews. That was just hilarious to me.

·         Nikki Bella new divas champion. About time for a switch. Confused however because there was all the talk about them being released.

·         During Raw my girlfriend said Mark Henry is a freaking beast. I’m a huge Mark Henry fan, at least his work over the last year.

·         Daniel Bryan is so over with every crowd there is. I think he is a bigger deal without the heavyweight championship.

·         Bryan was great in the guest referee roll. I love the yes lock. Chris Benoit would be proud.

·         The crowd being behind Zack Ryder. Santino is very entertaining and I think his in ring work is great. Time to make his character a little more serious that goes for Ryder as well.

·         Brodus Clay using the Taz plex.

·         I thoroughly enjoyed the final segment of the show. Brock Lesnar has done such a good job of making the fans hate him. Let’s face facts the guy is a prick in real life. All Brock really cares about as far as the WWE is getting a paycheck. He owes Vince McMahon and WWE for everything he has. It is so easy to dislike him. It just works so well for the storyline.

What I Did Not Like.

·         Why did Edge say Rock got his mojo back by beating Cena at Mania? He claimed he lost it after being beat by Lesnar in 2002. Did he forget Rock beat Stone Cold at WrestleMania 19? He also beat Hulk Hogan at No Way Out in 2003 as well. That two pretty big wins after losing to Brock.

·         Jericho is not and I repeat not the New Cerebral Assassin. Dumb comment Michael Cole.

·         WWE please give me a reason to care about Kofi Kingston because I honestly don’t. Please decide what you want this guy to do.

·          Eve is now the Executive Administrator. Are you kidding me? SHE CAN’T ACT TO SAVE HER LIFE! She gets this mega push while Miz and Ryder get lost in the shuffle. Creative please wake up.

·         Liquor basket. Can’t wait till the Jericho/ Punk feud is over.

·         R-Truth used as a jobber. The worst thing for his career was turning him face.

·         The Japanese thing for Lord Tensai is very confusing for the average fan. Watching it with my girlfriend last night she was completely lost on his gimmick.

·         I hate the mist thing. Does anyone remember Kwang in 1994?


·         Kane’s wig looks so dumb.

·         Was there really any point to having Paul Bearer comeback last night?

·         Miz on the Extreme Rules Pre Show? WTF. I don’t get it anymore and frankly I’m pretty furious about it.

·         The CM Punk sobriety test. STUPID WASTE OF TIME SEGMENT!

·         Primo and Epico boor me.

·         WWE please stop wasting our time by give Abraham Washington any air time.

·         Hornswoggle as Clay’s tag partner. Are you serious bro?

·         Nice job WWE killing the career of Dolph Ziggler.

Other Thoughts

·         Edge is one of the greatest performers of all time. This guy truly loves the business. I would love to see him in the broadcast booth.

·         I would love to see Jericho get a run as the WWE Champion. It’s time to end the feud with CM Punk.

·         Randy Orton needs more air time on Raw.

·         Can we get Cody Rhodes in the title picture?

·         Teddy Long does a great job looking miserable.

·         Is Michael Cole moving away from being a heel?

·         Loved when Lesnar turned on Johnny. The demands were very entertaining.

·         I will admit again I think Brock Lesnar is jerk. At the same time you have to love the guy.

·         Lesnar was the guy WWE groomed to be the number 1 guy in the business. When he left Cena picked up the pieces. Say what you want about John Cena but don’t ever question his passion.

I think this picture says it all. 

Wrestler of the Night: Edge. It’s always great to see him back.

Wrestler Who Had A Rough Night: The Miz. Again we don’t see him on TV and then they announce he will be on the pre show. Absolute slap in the face!


Sends questions and thoughts to @Recrewrestling on twitter.

To comment on the Blog you need a google account.

Dan Venus


Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Look Back At Scott Hall

There has been a lot of talk about Scott Hall in the last year. His moment at an independent show where he could hardly even stand, he then had the ESPN E:360 episode talking about how his life had fallen apart. Now his most recent arrest that which is believed to be a domestic dispute. There is no doubt Hall’s life has been a hard times for awhile now, and it is absolutely heartbreaking. I would like to point at ten moments that were great in Scott Hall’s career.

Honorable Mention

Scott Hall winning World War 3 1997.

Scott Hall’s Top 10 Wrestling Moments

10. WrestleMania 9 Razor Ramon vs. Bob Backland: In his WrestleMania debut he went on to defeat former WWF Champion Bob Backland. Not bad beating one of the longest champions in history at your first Mania.

9. Some people may hate this but it is a very important part of wrestling history. At StarrCade 1998 Kevin Nash wrestled the undefeated Bill Goldberg for the WCW Heavyweight Championship. Hall would interfere using a stun gun on Goldberg costing him not only the championship but the streak.

8. Royal Rumble 1993: Razor Ramon gets a WWF championship match with Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Big moment in Scott Hall’s wrestling career and he was recognized as someone who could main event a Pay Per View.

7. WrestleMania 18: Scott Hall vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin. I know both wrestlers felt this match was a disappointment but I actually liked it just wanted it to be longer. In all honesty this was a dream match. It proved Hall was a biggest enough star to have a high profile match against the wrestler who was the biggest draw ever.

6. Souled Out 1997 Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbysko: This match sucked the crowd right into it. It wasn’t the best match ever however people wanted to see it. Zbysko hadn’t wrestled in years but he worked his butt off. They put on a show and made the fans happy. Throughout the match fans were confused on who to cheer for.

5. Monday Night Raw October 1993 Razor Ramon vs. Rick Martel for the new Intercontinental Champion: Shawn Michaels had been stripped of the title and the World Wrestling Federation needed someone to pick up the pieces. Who better than the Bad Guy who had just become a fan favorite. It put Razor Ramon on the map permanently.

4.   Monday Night Raw May 1993: Razor Ramon vs. The Kid: Scott Hall is a big reason Sean Waltman aka X-Pac had the career he did. Back in 1993 Raw consisted of wrestlers who were over taking on jobbers who never won. The main event each week however would have two established stars. It was an insane moment when The Kid who had been on Raw several times under different names won a match. I was only 8 years old at the time but could not believe what I had just saw. A jobber never beats anyone. This would be the start of Razor becoming a baby face.

3. Bash At The Beach 1996: This was the official formation of the N.W.O. This is maybe one of the biggest moments in wrestling history. People were shocked when Hulk Hogan was revealed as the third man. Scott Hall was part of one of the biggest moments it wrestling history.

2. WrestleMania 10 Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels undisputed Intercontinental Championship match: This match changed wrestling. In 1994 nobody was using ladders like this in wrestling. The idea has totally exploded since then. Yes, Michaels gets most of the credit but there is no mistaking Scott Hall’s roll in this match. It is one of the best matches I have ever seen.


1.Monday Night Nitro May 1996: Scott Hall walks onto Nitro. What a huge moment in wrestling! It changed the game and the Monday Night Wars would begin soon after. Without Hall and Nash it is hard to imagine WCW would have been able to have the run they had.

If I missed anything or there is something you believe should have been recognized tweet it to @Recrewrestling or comment on the blog. (you must have a google account to do so.)

Thank You for reading,

Dan Venus

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 4-17-2012

Raw from London was a pretty a good show. The crowd was into it which always helps a show. I have to admit I was a bit distracted this week by the Bruins playoff game but I didn’t miss anything. Let’s get right into it.

What I Liked

*WWE Championship match to start the show.

*Macho Man elbow for the top rope with a steel chair. Not bad for a guy who should be working at a waffle house.

* Chicago Street Fight at Extreme Rules.

*Santino soccer jerseys, I’m sure the English fans liked this.

*Go on hate Otunga all day but I like the guy.

*Brock Lesnar Interview. Highlights from interview I enjoyed A. He only cares about Brock. B. Tired of Cena’s bull crap. C. Cena has his spot because Lesnar left. D. He is going to Bring the pain. E. Not a superstar but an ass kicker. WWE has lighting in a bottle with this feud. The question is will they blow it?

*Yes chant during Cena promo.

*Cena explaining how Lesnar could replace him.


*The Yes Lock

*Daniel Bryan

* Brodus Clay you have a feud!

*RIP Chief Jay Strongbow. Very well done tribute, a little late?

*Tensai in the main event. Ending didn’t like as much.

What I Didn’t Like

*Is it me or has CM Punk lost some steam? I think his feud with Jericho as so stale.

* I wanted Lesnar at the start of Raw. I’m guilty of being a mark.

*How Jericho explained how he got his match at Extreme Rules. I found it a bit hard to follow.

*Punk in a Pub. Hate the alcohol part of the feud. Don’t get me wrong I feel everything is on the table in wrestling. I’m fine with it just don’t like it.

*Kane v. Ryder. The burial continues.

*Big Show and Khali vs. Epico and Primo.

*John Cena vs. Lord Tensai…..WAY TOO SOON! Let us get to know Tensai.

*Ok, so there was interference but Tensai beat Cena. Your top guy is a top jobber. Lesnar you are next to get a big win.

Other thoughts

*I’ll take a U.S. crowd any day but the fans in London were great.

*Wasn’t Mark Henry a great World Champion it would be nice to see him get one more run as champ

*WWE has made it clear they see no future with Zack Ryder and that is sad.

*Randy Orton has made Kane relevant.

*I want  YES! YES! YES! tee shirt.

*How over with the fans is Daniel Bryan? I love it. HBK is smiling in Texas I’m sure.

*Can I honestly ask why should I care about Kofi Kingston? Since his push in late 2009 besides Air Boom not much has been done with him.

*Does Cena has to face everyone? He just got beat by Tensai. That seems to take away from his match at Extreme Rules. Is this feud more about Cena and the GM? Too many people involved.

Wrestler of the night: Lord Tensai. In your third Raw since coming back you beat the number one guy in the company. Congrats.

Wrestler Who Had a Rough Night: John Cena. Well you went from never being able to be beaten to jobbing to everyone. Next up you will be jobbing the Brock Lesnar.

Non Wrestling Thought


I ask this question to readers. If Brock Lesnar never left WWE would Cena have had his spot as the top guy?

Send answers to @Recrewrestling and I will retweet them. Also send you comment, questions, and thoughts.

Remember to comment on the blog you need a google account.