Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 4-10-2012

Raw last night was a pretty awesome show. The opening segment fight between Cena and Lesnar is something that will be talked about for awhile. Do we get the vibe it feels like Brock never left? Brodus Clay has actually pinned someone on the roster that has relevance. Punk and Jericho continue their feud. (I have plenty of thoughts on that) It was a very good Raw. I know we can all agree could have done without the Three Stooges.

What I think about the CM Punk and Chris Jericho feud as it stands.

What I have really decided is I’m not sure how interested I am in this feud. I don’t really know where it’s going nor do I really care. I love both of these performers but the storyline has gone stale. It is your typical older type storyline; Jericho gets a ton of heat but so what? This feud should have stayed about answering who is the best in the world? Throwing in the alcohol stuff is lame. As my friend @Psage112 said to me through text seems like not a lot of thought in throwing in the alcohol its easy writing. By the way CM Punk you have never kept private your straight edge lifestyle don’t start playing that card. (Straight Edge Society anyone?)

What I Like About Raw

*The Cena slap and we got a brawl on our hands.

*Brock Lesnar’s punch leads to blood on WWE TV. Don’t see this often. Cena looked a little crazy after good stuff.

*Funkasaurus wrestling against non jobbers. Let’s see what this guy can actually do.

*Jamie Noble trending on twitter.

*Cena’s fat lip in backstage segment.

*Yoshi Tatsu on Raw because of the twitter comments he made about Lord Tensai not being Japanese.

*Kane choke slamming Will Sasso.

*A-Train and Albert trending on twitter. The fans don’t forget Vince they just don’t.

* “This is me kicking your ass!” –CM Punk

*Lesnar backstage interview and WWE not afraid to let him mention his time in UFC.

*I think David Utunga has a future glad to see him in the main event.

*Brock Lesnar attacking Cena again at the end. I read a tweet last night saying who could watch Lesnar F-5 Cena every week?

What I Disliked About Raw Last Night

*Lesnar v. Cena at Extreme Rules. This is an epic match that can make a lot of money. Personally would have saved it for Summer Slam.

*Raw was awesome but not sure how I feel about Brock being thrown right into the mix. Is it me or does it feel like he never left?

*Brodus Clay should not have pinned Dolph Ziggler Swagger should have taken the fall. Dolph Ziggler needs more high profile matches then this. I honestly think he needs a title run before the end of the year, may not happen with all the returning stars.

*Big Show interfering in Cody Rhode’s match. Never really liked this feud to begin with.

*Santino looking for 3 Stooges. I hate when actors come onto Raw in character.

*No point to ending the Lord Tensai Yoshi match. It didn’t really seem like that bad of a beating to stop it. Maybe Yoshi wasn’t selling like he should have?

*Punk and Jericho loses my interest more and more.

*The buriel of Zack Ryder, WWE had gold with him and they blew it. Del Rio couldn’t come out and beat someone like Alex Riley?

* Stooges on Raw was just plain out dumb.

Other Thoughts

*Where does Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena go? Cena can’t afford another loss to a star who hasn’t had a match in 8 years. Lesnar can’t lose in his comeback match. This is why I believe this is way too soon.

*Does it feel strange having both Albert and Lesnar back?

*Someone please explain to me where they are going with Zack Ryder? Did WWE just drop the ball here?

Wrestler Of The Night:

John Cena. This feud with Brock is bringing him right back. Give him props for taking that punch what a tough bastard. I will say this again Cena can’t afford another huge loss.

Wrestlers Who Had A Rough Night:

CM Punk and Chris Jericho. This feud is doing nothing for me anymore. The alcoholism stuff has been done before with Jake the Snake and Jerry Lawler. To me just watching Jericho dump beer on Punk was boring. These two should keep it to what the feud is and that’s wrestling over who is the best in the world?

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Send questions, thoughts, and comments to @Recrewrestling on twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Thought Raw started strong but Fizzled out. I like Punk & Jericho as performers but hate the alcohol storyline for many reasons. It does wreak of Jake the Snake vs Lawler and I didn't like it then either. Way different than Stone Cold's use of alcohol which was actually humorous. Agree with you that CENA vs LESNAR is way too soon for a PPV match. Let it build writers!! Three stooges was dumb. I wish Bret Hart could have sharpshooted Will Sasso again!
