Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover 4-17-2012

Raw from London was a pretty a good show. The crowd was into it which always helps a show. I have to admit I was a bit distracted this week by the Bruins playoff game but I didn’t miss anything. Let’s get right into it.

What I Liked

*WWE Championship match to start the show.

*Macho Man elbow for the top rope with a steel chair. Not bad for a guy who should be working at a waffle house.

* Chicago Street Fight at Extreme Rules.

*Santino soccer jerseys, I’m sure the English fans liked this.

*Go on hate Otunga all day but I like the guy.

*Brock Lesnar Interview. Highlights from interview I enjoyed A. He only cares about Brock. B. Tired of Cena’s bull crap. C. Cena has his spot because Lesnar left. D. He is going to Bring the pain. E. Not a superstar but an ass kicker. WWE has lighting in a bottle with this feud. The question is will they blow it?

*Yes chant during Cena promo.

*Cena explaining how Lesnar could replace him.


*The Yes Lock

*Daniel Bryan

* Brodus Clay you have a feud!

*RIP Chief Jay Strongbow. Very well done tribute, a little late?

*Tensai in the main event. Ending didn’t like as much.

What I Didn’t Like

*Is it me or has CM Punk lost some steam? I think his feud with Jericho as so stale.

* I wanted Lesnar at the start of Raw. I’m guilty of being a mark.

*How Jericho explained how he got his match at Extreme Rules. I found it a bit hard to follow.

*Punk in a Pub. Hate the alcohol part of the feud. Don’t get me wrong I feel everything is on the table in wrestling. I’m fine with it just don’t like it.

*Kane v. Ryder. The burial continues.

*Big Show and Khali vs. Epico and Primo.

*John Cena vs. Lord Tensai…..WAY TOO SOON! Let us get to know Tensai.

*Ok, so there was interference but Tensai beat Cena. Your top guy is a top jobber. Lesnar you are next to get a big win.

Other thoughts

*I’ll take a U.S. crowd any day but the fans in London were great.

*Wasn’t Mark Henry a great World Champion it would be nice to see him get one more run as champ

*WWE has made it clear they see no future with Zack Ryder and that is sad.

*Randy Orton has made Kane relevant.

*I want  YES! YES! YES! tee shirt.

*How over with the fans is Daniel Bryan? I love it. HBK is smiling in Texas I’m sure.

*Can I honestly ask why should I care about Kofi Kingston? Since his push in late 2009 besides Air Boom not much has been done with him.

*Does Cena has to face everyone? He just got beat by Tensai. That seems to take away from his match at Extreme Rules. Is this feud more about Cena and the GM? Too many people involved.

Wrestler of the night: Lord Tensai. In your third Raw since coming back you beat the number one guy in the company. Congrats.

Wrestler Who Had a Rough Night: John Cena. Well you went from never being able to be beaten to jobbing to everyone. Next up you will be jobbing the Brock Lesnar.

Non Wrestling Thought


I ask this question to readers. If Brock Lesnar never left WWE would Cena have had his spot as the top guy?

Send answers to @Recrewrestling and I will retweet them. Also send you comment, questions, and thoughts.

Remember to comment on the blog you need a google account.

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