Monday, April 2, 2012

Tuesday Morning Wrestling Hangover

If you are a wrestling fan last nights Raw was everything you could want. The crowd in Miami was a fire. Brock Lesnar returns to WWE after 8 years of being away. I will admit I haven't been the biggest fan of bringing back old established wrestlers instead making new superstars but this will be huge for WWE. Lets get right into it.

What I liked:
* The crowd at Raw was one of the best crowds there has been in a long long time. I would almost compare it to the crowd at ECW One Night Stand in 2006.

*Cole saying Miz is reborn. I'm hoping his punishment for the R-Truth botch is finally over.

*Ryder may have lost but he was on Raw.

*Punk v. Henry was a good match I was entertained throughout.

*The crowd was in charge of the show. YES! YES! YES!

*I have never seen so many Daniel Bryan fans in my life. Is yes the new

*Jericho is a great heel.

*"You know how much you have to suck to get cut by the Canadian Football League." -The Rock

*"Jesus H. Christ get this guy off of me." -The Rock

*Brodus Clay is in a feud.

*Lord Tensai is going to be interesting. Crowd remembered A-Train.


*Brock Lesnar. Great night to be a wrestling fan, he was brought back perfectly.

What I didn't like

*People Power Era. Lame. How about Heel Power Era.

*Rock and his goosebumps. It was annoying the first time. No thanks Rocky.

*I don't ever want to see The Rock as WWE Champion again. Is he going to run away with the title back to Hollywood?

*Alex Riley is now a certified jobber. He did however sell very well for Lord Tensai.

*With a lot of former wrestler suffering from addiction I think the alcoholism stuff is a little insensetive.

*The bottle breaking early.

*Eve's push. I'm sorry she can't act to save her life.

*Who in creative thought it was a good idea to bring back Abraham Washington? He was terrible in the new ECW. Mark Henry ran away fast.

Random Thoughts:

*Does Daniel Bryan get a rematch? The Miami fans were obsessed with him.

*Rock has lost some skills on the mic. He did have a few great zingers though.

*Del Rio saved Sheamus from being booed out of the building.

*WWE needs more crowds like that.

*All night I was saying to myself Lesnar isn't coming. Then bam!

*John Cena is great with playing along with the crowd. He even gave Daniel Bryan a shout out and started chanting YES!

*Did I hear Holy Shit on a PG show?

Wrestler Of The Night
Brock Lesnar. He didn't even have to say a word. I would say the crowd had the best night however.

Wrestler With A Rough Night
John Cena. One night after losing to the Rock he is booed heavily by the Miami fans. Then Brock Lesnar steals all his thunder. Are guys just coming back to beat him?

Send your questions to me on twitter. @Recrewrestling  #RECREATE

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