Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Cena Debate

On Thursday night I got into a long text debate with my good friend Mr. Wonderful  from Prowresttweets. I have been pretty upset over John Cena losing to The Rock at Wrestlemania 28 and wanted to let him know. Here is what took place in the conversation.  Recreate Wrestling is represented by Dan Venus and Prowresttweets is represented by Mr. Wonderful.

The John Cena Debate:

Dan Venus: John Cena has been sabotaged.

Dan Venus: (off the subject while watching Impact) Way to book Austin Aries weak.

Dan Venus: Rock and Lesnar have stole all his thunder. The loss to Rock will haunt him.

Mr. Wonderful: No it won’t.

Dan Venus: BURIED!

Mr. Wonderful: You are a mark then

Dan Venus: You don’t know what a mark is.

Mr. Wonderful: Dan he is a ten time champ still young you are dumb to think he is buried.

Dan Venus: They hurt his character big time. He is now a pussy who gets beat by stars that left. It is like he wouldn’t have the spot he has if Rock and Brock didn’t leave.

Dan Venus: Let the guy go heel and save his character. WWE sold their soul for Rocky.

Mr. Wonderful: He might go heel someday. But they are pushing this fight to save his character and they can. Sheamus is champ. CM Punk is champ. Santino is champ. They are giving the crowd what they want. New fans love it old marks do not.

Dan Venus: Oh like Rock jobbed to Hogan. Sarcasm. Creative nightmare.

Mr. Wonderful: Different time. Hogan was a lot older at the time.

Here is where the topic slightly changes:

Dan Venus: Love Bobby Roode

Mr. Wonderful: Bobby Roode has no direction. TNA is stale. 6 guys run the show.

Dan Venus: I disagree. I’ve watched Bobby Roode’s whole career guy busts his ass. He is one of the top 4 heels in the business.

Mr. Wonderful: 1.9 million buy rat for WWE. 50000 viewers for TNA tells it all. WWE is the only product worth watching.

Dan Venus: I am a wrestling fan man. To me it is not TNA vs. WWE it is about what wrestlers I want to see.

Let’s get the debate really going. Did this hurt John Cena?

Please feel free to send questions about this debate on twitter to @Recrewrestling and @Prowresttweets .


1 comment:

  1. no it didnt as we see now,cena will beat the rock and get his revenge
